
Monday, November 30, 2020

After School Unwind Session: "...gonna let your hair hang down..."

 Every take a bath and feel like you're being watched?

This evening I treated myself to a relaxing salt bath to wash away any troubles, stress, and anxiety down the drain. I've discussed this in a previous blog post...water is so healing. But I have one thing to admit, I had a glass of wine to take my relaxing bath up another notch. The whole time that drain plate watched me with those eyes full of judgement. AS IF! I had a stressful day and deserve every second of this! I'm not going on a guilt trip tonight!

Today was nonstop as I taught my students virtually in Google Meet sessions while also trying gather materials and supplies together for their virtual supply pick up. We just recently switched back to full virtual learning. So, I'll be teaching from home and students will be learning from home until mid-January the earliest.

I had so much to do that when I finally got home after 4:00, I realized I didn't even PEE today! This isn't the first time that has happened and I know it won't be the last. My doctor actually informed me that teachers and nurses are the number one professions he sees as patients coming into his office with UTIs. I believe it! (I better remember to drink plenty of cranberry juice tonight...someone remind me please!)

So tonight I didn't spin any vinyl (yet). Instead, I played some Led Zeppelin ballads from my phone as I soaked in the tub and meditated.

Tonight's Led Zeppelin Salt Bath Playlist:

Yes, it was a long bath. No shame in my game. It was much needed. 

As I closed my eyes, meditated and listened to the music, I realized that there are certain days that I listen mainly for the lyrics and then there are days that I listen for the melody and instruments. Today, I was definitely focusing on the melody and instruments. I had the music loud enough that I could almost see each string being plucked. I visualized the tambourine vibrations. It was so grounding for me. 

I'm going to start making it at weekly habit of taking a salt bath with music after work. It is so good for the soul. I'm sure you're thinking to yourself right now, "I don't have TIME to take baths!" I'm sure you have a very busy schedule with children and family to take care of. But if it is something that might help you after a long, stressful day, don't you think you should at least try to make a plan to squeeze in even 10 minutes, once a week? 

Ask yourself this question: "Do I deserve it?"

I'm sure you already know that answer.

🎵"These are the seasons of emotion
And like the wind, they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion
I see the torch
We all must hold"🎵
-Led Zeppelin "The Rain Song"
Song writers: Jimmy Page/Robert Plant


  1. take a salt bath while listening to music+ wine, YES! get cranberry juice, if the taste is bitter, merge with some grape juice or other fruit drink. You speak my language in so many of your blogs, we are so similar! I wonder sometimes when I take a moment for myself do I Deservei t? As if, of course I do! Do you have to go to school even though kids are not there? I miss doing things with kids as a teacher. We hold it all in, and never think to release, that is pee or our emotions over all we endure in a day, week, school year! Many great vibes, healing and relaxing vibes to you, today and each day! ♥

    1. I'm now teaching from home until at least mid-January. They will see how the numbers are then to determine if we can return. Now you go enjoy yourself a nice salt bath with some wine and music! YES YOU DO DESERVE IT!

  2. I like to take baths, I have Epsom salts and have used them especially if my muscles are aching, but it is a great way to relax ☺️ Sounds like you have been busy. My partner is a school teacher and I know how busy it has been. Thank you for sharing your experience.


    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog! They are perfect for aching muscles. I wish your partner lots of strength and peace this school year!

  3. Ohhhh, so that explains the image then, it's a drain plate. I was wondering what that was about. Living in shared accommodation means I've not had a bath in years, just showers. I can't even remember what a relaxing bath feels like anymore

    1. I'm so sorry. It always seems that we don't take advantage of and appreciate the luxuries we have. So I'm trying to take more advantage of my tub and appreciate it more often now!
