Sunday, November 8, 2020

"Easy Like Sunday Morning"

Well, today I finally started my blog. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, but really didn't know what I actually wanted to blog about. Teaching? My meditations? Music? So I found a way to combine it all into one. 

I'm a first grade teacher. Teaching in the year 2020 has been "interesting," to say the least. Sundays never seem to be quite easy for me. My anxieties usually come to surface as I imagine the week ahead of me. I've been working on ways to keep my own anxieties at bay, while finding ways to keep my students' (both who are live and virtual) low. I always found that music can change your mood instantly. It's incredible how certain melodies or lyrics can mess with our emotions! I've always found ways to infuse music into our everyday routines in my classroom. But this year, I want to take it a step further. I want to see exactly how students react to what I play for them, their opinions of the music, and how it made them feel.

I also want to play my own music after school to unwind and decompress. I'm a vinyl lover and have a pretty decent size collection. You may be curious to what I listen to in particular. The answer to that isn't quite simple. I practically listen to EVERYTHING. I'm always eager to listen to new music that friends, family, and even complete strangers recommend!

With that being said, I want to reach out to YOU...yes, YOU, sitting there, reading my first blog post. Something drew you to this page. It was meant to be. 

Maybe it was meant for me to share the music I listen to with you. 

Maybe you are a teacher and it was meant to let you know that you are NOT alone with your anxieties and emotions right now. 

Maybe you were meant to share with me some music that inspires you and conjures up different emotions.

Whatever the reason that you decided to view my blog, I hope that you stick around. Let's go on this journey together, exploring how music affects us.

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