Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"Well I'm on my way...I don't know where I'm going..."

...ok, well, that's a lie. I know where I'm going: to school. At least I'm awake enough to drive and know I'm on my way to work.

Sometimes all we need is some light and upbeat music to get us up and moving. If you're anything like me, Tuesday mornings are just as sluggish as Monday mornings. I always have my coffee first thing in order to get me going, but it works best when combined with a great melody to bob my head and dance to while driving to work. Of course I get some strange looks, but they just wish they were in MY car listening to MY music! 

During my short 7 minute drive to school, I decided that every morning I want to ask each child to give me a word or two to describe their feelings. I really want to know and understand what they are feeling and why. That way I know what I'm working with that day and there are no surprises.

Today's feeling words: tired, happy, excited
To get my rock stars' blood pumping and energized this morning, I had to introduce them to a fun, classic song:

"Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard" by Paul Simon

I told them that this is one of my favorite songs to dance around to with my 15 month old niece, Ariya Rose. Trust me, if I have ANYTHING to do with it, this girl is going to be well rounded with her musical tastes and knowledge! 

I presented my students with a challenge. I told them that the beat and melody to this song was so much fun that it is IMPOSSIBLE to sit still during this song. Of course they didn't believe me and said they were too sleepy, so there was absolutely no way this song would wake them up enough to dance in their seat, let alone around the room. I'm sure you would be doubting yourself as you looked around at your 6-year-olds at 8:30am, laying across their desks. 

However, I don't doubt myself when it comes to this kind of stuff. I mean seriously...do they NOT know know me well enough to believe me when I talk about music? Today is the 38th day of school for crying out loud!

Well, can you guess what happened?



Don't worry, we all made sure we socially distanced while dancing around the room. I don't want anyone to be 🎵 "the queen of Corona..." 🎵

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